On our way to a wedding in the Chicago area, we stopped to tour Lincoln's home in Springfield, IL. This is his writing desk.

Mary Todd Lincoln's bed and one of her dresses. The wallpaper is the original pattern.

Toys in the boys' room. The Lincolns had four sons, but only one lived into adulthood.

Their kitchen.

The loo. So, this is how important politicians live. Nice to know.

The balcony railing is also original. Some of the ornamentation was broken off by the rambunctious boys.

After touring the house we walked into downtown Springfield. A church door.

Another church door.

Building across the street from the outdoor table where we ate lunch.

Also across the street.


My lunch. Chicken teriyaki salad with mango salsa. Yummy.

We passed the state capitol building on our way back to the car. Charming downtown area. And Lincoln's home is definitely worth seeing if you're ever in the Springfield area.