Some of my favorite photos. Click on a picture for a larger view. And don't miss the treasures lurking in the archives. Enjoy!
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Peteet Family Portraits
I recently spent about an hour and a half photographing this adorable family. We went to the park, downtown, and to an abandoned lot next to an old building. I need to post a close up of their daughter's eyes. They're two different colors--very cool looking! (Click a shot for a larger view.)
Sorry for the long absence. For the few who faithfully stop by, I'll try to do better!
I've been married for 31 years to George, a biologist, poet, and musician. We have three grown children, two children-in-law, and one grandchild who are my favorite people in the world. I'm a writer, speaker, choreographer, photographer, and musician. I love to laugh. In fact, I give points to anyone who makes me laugh out loud. (These points are very valuable. Everyone should strive to earn them. Starting now.)
My other blog (the one for words) is accessible through my website at Come see me!