Bread on a Valbonne doorstep
Flowers in the Valbonne market
Wall art. Valbonne, France
Bird on a ledge. Valbonne, France
Mary and Jesus watching over the streets of Nice
Art by Nikolli. Nice, France
Hotel Dieu, 1786. Valbonne, France
Hotel yard art. Nice, France
Coffee-flavored gelato in a homemade waffle cone. Nice, France
Grapevines on the Weinwanderweg. Germany
Sharing the road. German countryside
Jeanne's German MINI twin
Ceiling in the Heidelberg Library
The schloss ruins behind a courtyard statue in Heidelberg
Stonework detail. Worms, Germany
Stonework detail. Heidelberg, Germany
Stonework detail. Heidelberg, Germany
Welcome to Venice. I'll be your hostess.
Inlay detail on a marble floor tomb. Venice, Italy
Transom door in the Doge's Palace. Venice, Italy
The Doge's Palace. Venice, Italy
View from a gondola. Venice, Italy